Our establishment is sensitive to Environmental practices. We obtained the score of 10/10: Here is everything that is sorted in our Hotel Restaurant:

- Cork stoppers: partnership with the French Cork Federation to collect and return our stoppers made with oak cork

- Glass bottles: returnable and non-returnable

- Yellow containers in the outbuildings: for your plastic packaging, paper, cardboard

- Presence sensors in the commons for the lights

- Heating management computer

- Used bulbs / Batteries

- Ecololabel cleaning products, Green

- Donation to the Ferme de Lagalage of unconsumed food leftovers from customers.

- Used frying oil collector

- In our garden: Weedkillers by hand and with white vinegar, vegetable garden with edible flowers, birdhouses, planting trees and others to shade the parking lot

- Electrical terminals for vehicles

- Electric bikes

- Aromatic vegetable garden

- Birdhouses installed in the Garden

- Hive installation project to produce our own honey